Dramatis Personae: Z

Mallorean Zakath, Emperor
('Zakath, Kal Zakath, The Empty One)

The Emperor of Mallorea called himself 'Zakath until after the death of Torak, when he expanded the apostrophe to "Kal", meaning "King and God". Having been tricked by Taur Urgas, King of the Murgos, into executing his Melcene girlfriend for treason, he made it his mission to exterminate the entire Murgo race. He captured Garion and his friends during their search for Zandramas, and the friendship that subsequently developed between him and Garion changed his life enormously, as, of course, did his marriage to Cyradis at the end of the Malloreon.

'Zakath, dread Emperor of boundless Mallorea, was a man of medium height with glossy black hair and a pale, olive-tinged complexion. His features were regular, even handsome, but his eyes were haunted by a profound melancholy. He appeared to be about thirty-five years old, and he wore a plain linen robe with no ornament or decoration upon it to indicate his exalted rank.

(EEG, Part Two (Mishrak ac Thull), Chapter Eighteen)

Grolim Zandramas
(Child of Dark)

Former Grolim priestess who became the Child of Dark in the penultimate EVENT. Afraid of submitting herself and the Prophecy she served to Cyradis' CHOICE, she attempted continually to thwart the agreement made between the two Prophecies and open up a third possibility, one not involving the CHOICE. Killing one of Garion's party who was not meant to die would have served this purpose, as would getting Geran to touch the Sardion. Failing in both, however, she ceased to be the Child of Dark when she nominated Geran as her successor, and, when the CHOICE went against her, the star-like lights which had been swirling under her skin since she became the Child of Dark took over her body completely, and she and the Sardion were taken up into the sky to patch the rift in the fabric in the universe which had caused the separation of the Necessities in the first place. Not the most pleasant way to go, I think you'll agree.

Aldur Zedar the Apostate

Originally the second disciple of the God Aldur, Zedar was born somewhere around the year 1600 B.C. Some time during the first or second millennium, he apostasised and became the second disciple of the god Torak. He was the Child of Dark to Belgarath's Child of Light in the EVENT that took place just before Belgarath and his companions recovered the Orb from Cthol Mishrak, in the year 1896. He was imprisoned for eternity under the rock of Cthol Mishrak by Belgarath in punishment for the murder of Durnik.

Tolnedran Zereel

Court Wizard to Ran Borune XXIII. Charlatan.

Nyissan snake Zith

Sadi's pet snake, bright green with "a vibrant red stripe running down her back from nose to tail". Used by Velvet to kill Harakan in Ashaba. Mated with Ezahh, another member of her very rare species.

Sendar Zubrette

Golden-haired girlfriend of Garion while he was living on Faldor's farm; later married to Rundorig.

This Web page is created and maintained by Kamion.
Character list last modified: $Date: 2004-10-15 12:04:56 +0000 $