Dramatis Personae: A

Alorn (Algar) Adara

Algar cousin of Garion. Tall and beautiful, with long, dark brown hair and calm, gray eyes. Married to Hettar.

Nyissan Adiss

Sariss's successor as Chief Eunuch in Sthiss Tor, a hopeless incompetent who was eventually killed by Salmissra's orders for entering her presence unbathed.

Demon Agrinja

Demon "dreamt" by Silk and summoned by Belgarath to fight Horja, a demon summoned by a Morind magician.

Tolnedran Albor, Colonel

Horbite commander of the Eighty-Third Legion, a primarily ceremonial unit with its barracks inside the imperial palace at Tol Honeth.

Aldur Aldur

Eldest of the Seven Gods (colour: blue, totem: owl). Aldur is benevolent, wise, and gentle; he lives in his Tower in the Vale of Aldur in southern Algaria. His disciples are (in chronological order): Belgarath, Zedar, Belkira and Beltira, Belmakor (deceased), Belsambar (deceased), Beldin, Poledra, Polgara, and Durnik.

See also Belar, Chaldan, Eriond, Issa, Mara, Nedra, Torak, and UL.

Alorn (Drasnian) Ambar of Kotu

See Silk.

Arend (Mimbrate) Andorig, Sir, Baron of Vo Enderig

Sceptical Mimbrate knight at Vo Mimbre. Tends an apple tree created by Belgarath to convince him of the existence of sorcery.

"I charge thee, Sir Knight, to care for this tree. It hath grown here to renew thy faith and trust. Thy debt to it must be paid with tender and loving attention to its needs. In time it will bear fruit, and thou wilt gather the fruit and give it freely to any who ask it of thee. For thy soul's sake, thou wilt refuse none, no matter how humble. As the tree gives freely, so shalt thou."

(Belgarath, QoS, Part One (Arendia), Chapter Ten)

Alorn (Cherek) Anheg

Brutish-looking yet highly intelligent and gentle Cherek monarch, who is an inveterate scholar. Married to Islena and cousin of Barak.

Arend (Mimbrate) Ariana, Lady

Mimbrate girl, younger sister of Baron Oltorain. Student of the healing arts. Married to Lelldorin.

Grolim Asharak

See Chamdar.

This Web page is created and maintained by Kamion.
Character list last modified: $Date: 2004-10-15 12:04:56 +0000 $