Dramatis Personae: N

Murgo Nachak, Ambassador

Murgo Ambassador of Taur Urgas to Vo Mimbre. Attempted to persuade Lelldorin and Torasin, among other Asturians, to murder Korodullin, the King of Arendia. Killed by Hettar.

Grolim Naradas

A Malloreon Grolim whose main distinguishing feature is that, apart from the pupils, his eyes are completely white. He is Zandramas' lover and chief servant, and was once the Archpriest in her temple at Hemil. He was killed by Sadi's poison in Dal Perivor.

Tolnedran Nedra

One of the Seven Gods (colour: don't know, possibly yellow (money)?, totem: lion). "The most secular of all the Gods", according to Belgarath (BtS). Like his people, the Tolnedrans, Nedra's primary interest is in money.

See also Aldur, Belar, Chaldan, Eriond, Issa, Mara, Torak, and UL.

Arend (Mimbrate) Nerina, Baroness

Mimbrate noblewoman, originally married to the Baron of Vo Ebor. She had a platonic love affair with Mandorallen when he was being instructed in knighthood by her husband, and, after her husband's death, she married Mandorallen (after a certain amount of persuasion on Garion's part ...).

Horse Noble

Placid, even lazy, horse given to Ce'Nedra by King Cho-Hag.

Tolnedran Noragon, Grand Duke of Tol Honeth

Honethite candidate to succeed Ran Borune XXIII, and a complete jackass. Poisoned by Bethra.

Tolnedran Norain, Count

Fictional party-giver in Tol Honeth, invented by Velvet while talking her way past a Tolnedran legionnaire.

This Web page is created and maintained by Kamion.
Character list last modified: $Date: 2004-10-15 12:04:56 +0000 $