Dramatis Personae: X

Dryad Xantha, Queen of the Dryads

Golden-haired Queen of the Dryads during the Belgariad/Malloreon. Linked to a huge oak tree in the centre of the Wood of the Dryads.

Dryad Xbel

Tawny-haired Dryad who wanted to kill Garion when she caught him gathering firewood in the Wood of the Dryads while on the quest for the Orb.

Dryad Xera

Red-haired Dryad, cousin of Ce'Nedra.

Dryad X'Nedra

Dryad spelling of Ce'Nedra.

Dryad Xoria, Princess

Dryad princess given to an Emperor of the Tolnedran House of Borune in marriage to cement a peace treaty between Tolnedra and the Dryads. Ancestral mother of Ce'Nedra.

This Web page is created and maintained by Kamion.
Character list last modified: $Date: 2004-10-15 12:04:56 +0000 $