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Beaulieu LXIV

Created Friday 11 April 2014

Oct. 904, a donation by Aicard to St-Pierre de Beaulieu of manses with mills and fisheries, a demesne meadow and this and that in le Saillant, along with three slaves; he gives for his own soul and his father's and mother's but doesn't tell us who they were, annoyingly.The document places le Saillant in Uzerche, within Yssandon, which seems odd.

Backlinks: Persons:EbrardBeaulieu Places:Limousin:Yssandon Persons:Eldoard Places:Limousin:Uzerche Editions:Beaulieu Persons:Aicard Persons:StPierreBeaulieu Persons:Agambert Persons:GauzbertEspagnac Persons:DonadeoCastelnau Persons:Raoul:RaoulAbbot Persons:Eldoard:EldoardBar Persons:Gauzbert:GauzbertEspagnac Persons:Donadeo:DonadeoCastelnau Places:Limousin:Yssandon:Saillant