St Totteringham's Day

A St Totteringham's Day Diary.

More Info

  • List of every St Totteringham's since the first on 22nd April 1911.
  • Old home page, including detail on 2003/4 to 2010/11
  • The story of St T's day and some acknowledgements
  • Some analysis of the history of St Totteringham's
  • home page

    Recent Seasons

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    I should probably add some.

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    The blame
    Mostly written by Mike Pitt. You can contact me by email on Nice comments only please. I'm also @sttottsday on twitter.
    Original material © Mike Pitt 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023

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    St Totteringham's Day was the day when Arsenal fans celebrate the fact that Tottenham can no longer catch Arsenal in the League. It is a movable feast, but usually falls in March, April or May. It was the day to collect on bets made by over-optimistic Spurs fans in the close season who think that "this is the year".

    See the links on the left for more information.

    Sun, 23 Apr 2023

    Did Newcastle stop trying...?

    Spurs woes at Newcastle have cheered me up enough to talk about St Totteringhams Day a bit.

    Friday was the first St Ts since 2017. It is the first April St Ts since 28th April 2014, and the earliest since we acheived St Ts at White Hart Lane on 21st April 2007.

    It is the 52nd time we've finished above Spurs in the League, compared to the 34 times they've finished above us. That isn't counting the 15 times Spurs had aan excursion to Division 2 (or the two times we did). If you include those Arsenal have finished above Spurs 77 times, to their 36. (And Spurs took 15 years to join us as a league club.)

    The six season gap is fourth longest since the first, and the longest since the 9 season gap between 27 March 1959 to 7 April 1969. As I mention in the history pages the longest gap between St Ts is actually from 22nd March 1935 to 6th April 1953. However in that time football stopped for WW2, and the Gunners won two league championships whilst Spurs spent a chunk of time in Division 2.

    In all cases those gaps are shorter than the 21 consecutive seasons from 5 May 1996 to 15 May 2016.

    In other news... we still aren't certain of a top four finish. Brighton are probably the key team here, we need two points or them to drop some points.

    Other teams that can beat us are Newcastle (2 wins needed. However beating them would do it.), United (Three wins needed) and, of course, City (need to win everything from now on!).

    Keep the faith.

    None of the pundits thought we'd win on 26th May 1989.

    (Link put in for younger fans. If you were a Gunner in '89 you'll know that date off by heart!)

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