St Totteringham's day

St Totteringham's Day is the day when Arsenal fans celebrate the fact that Tottenham can no longer catch Arsenal in the League. It is a movable feast, but usually falls in March, April or May. It is the day to collect on bets made by over-optimistic Spurs fans in the close season who think that "this is the year".

See the new history page for full details of St T's back to the start of league football.

2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 2008/9 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 2004/5 2003/4 top history analysis

This season: 2011/12

This is a placeholder. The fixtures are out, preseason has begun. Sadly it is now season 2011/12. In July.

Last season: 2010/11 -- Sixteenth season in a row

Charlie Adam's penalty for Blackpool at White Heart Lane means that St Totteringham's day is Saturday 7th May. Adam was arguably lucky to be on the pitch given the tackle earlier on Bale.

From the table at about 7.30pm on May 7:

ClubCurrent pointsGames left(Max points)Points behindPoints left

Don't forget to have a look at the new history pages, complete with extended pointless analysis.

2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 2008/9 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 2004/5 2003/4 top history analysis

2009/10 -- 15 consecutive seasons

Last day of the season and we won and Spurs lost making it look safer. So St T's was May 9 2010.

ClubCurrent pointsGames left(Max points)Points behindPoints left


11 April: Happy (belated) St Ts day!

ClubCurrent pointsGames left(Maximum points)Points behind Points Left

This is correct at about 5pm on 11 April.


We had a happy St Totteringham's Day on 9 March 2008, which was a new Premier League record for the earliest in the year.

ClubCurrent pointsGames left(Maximum points)Points behind Points Left


We did it in the 2-2 draw at WHL on 21 April. Which was nice. Even if we did throw away the lead. Again.


Close one this. Last day of the season, and we got lucky...


St Totteringham's took me by surprise this year. I was reading the program at Highbury as suddenly realised that if Arsenal beat Norwich (which we did 4-1 natch) it'd be St Totteringham's day...

From the league positions of the clubs on Saturday 2 April

ClubCurrent pointsGames left(Maximum points)Points behind Points Left


From the league positions of the clubs on Saturday 13 March

ClubCurrent pointsGames left(Maximum points)Points behind Points Left
2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 2008/9 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 2004/5 2003/4 top history analysis

Useful links and Acknowledgements

First off the idea of St Totteringham I stole shamelessly from Arseweb who got it from Julian Shulman. Thanks to Julian! See ArseWeb's Arsenal vs Spurs resources page for more details.

Thanks to Helge Olsen (1980s) and Andrew McKinnon (back to 70/71) for the extended St. Totteringham's history given as a St T's some years ago. Any errors are, of course, mine.

The Cann Table is useful for watching the widening gap between Arsenal and Spurs. I no longer keep a version here.

Any (polite) comments and corrections can be emailed to me at

St Totteringham's is also occasionally called St Totteridge according to the 2008 Arsenal v Villa programme.

This page last updated on 4-Jul-11: Fixed several mistakes in table for 2010/11. Oops. Also added placeholder for next year. It never stops.

All original material © Mike Pitt 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.

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