St Totteringham's Day

A St Totteringham's Day Diary.

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    Mostly written by Mike Pitt. You can contact me by email on Nice comments only please. I'm also @sttottsday on twitter.
    Original material © Mike Pitt 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023

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    St Totteringham's Day was the day when Arsenal fans celebrate the fact that Tottenham can no longer catch Arsenal in the League. It is a movable feast, but usually falls in March, April or May. It was the day to collect on bets made by over-optimistic Spurs fans in the close season who think that "this is the year".

    See the links on the left for more information.

    Thu, 12 Apr 2018

    Could be the anti-Saint's day this weekend

    While it is unlikely it is possible that this weekend could mark the second successive failure of Arsenal to finish ahead of that lot from down the road. So to be fair I thought I ought to quickly run through possible events ahead of the weekend.

    At the moment Spurs have 67 points and Arsenal have 54. They both have six to play. So the gap is 13 points and Arsenal can get 18 points. To be mathematically certain Spurs need to get 6 points, or for Arsenal to drop six points or some combination that adds to six. This can happen in one weekend. However, please note a five point swing is simply not certain. The goal difference is worth a point to Spurs but only at the end of the season; also note if it comes into play they'd have lost five matches, and Arsenal won five. That means a minumum GD swing of 10 (which is admittedly only half the required change, but thats the minimum.)

    I'll say again: it won't come to that, it's about when not if now.

    So what can happen:

    • Worst case in footballing terms: Spurs beat City, and we lose in a lunchtime kick off to Newcastle the next day. Both are certainly possible, we are rubbish at early KOs and away from home, and City are fragile at the moment.
    • Worst case mathematically: Spurs beat City and we draw at Newcastle. Then I'll be on twitter trying to explain what I wrote above. The Saint won't be quite dead for the year but he won't be hanging around long.
    • Anything else: The Saint is on life support for another week or two. I'll post after the weekend with an update.

    So Spurs fans almost time to collect on those bets. Unless Harry Kane claims them all...

    Update: In other cheery news today is the anniversary of Arsenal's only relegation back in 1913, down with three games to spare and only 16 points from 36 (19 if 3 for a win which is still pretty grim!).

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