St Totteringham's Day

A St Totteringham's Day Diary.

More Info

  • List of every St Totteringham's since the first on 22nd April 1911.
  • Old home page, including detail on 2003/4 to 2010/11
  • The story of St T's day and some acknowledgements
  • Some analysis of the history of St Totteringham's
  • home page

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    I should probably add some.

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    The blame
    Mostly written by Mike Pitt. You can contact me by email on Nice comments only please. I'm also @sttottsday on twitter.
    Original material © Mike Pitt 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023

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    St Totteringham's Day was the day when Arsenal fans celebrate the fact that Tottenham can no longer catch Arsenal in the League. It is a movable feast, but usually falls in March, April or May. It was the day to collect on bets made by over-optimistic Spurs fans in the close season who think that "this is the year".

    See the links on the left for more information.

    Sat, 30 Nov 2013

    As autumn turns into winter...

    Well I didn't expect us to be top as we enter December, but I am overjoyed that we are. It has been a superb season and the first goal at Cardiff today sums up the season: Özil crossing to Rambo. The men of our season so far... Credit to Cardiff fans for the reception they gave him too. Reminded me of the reaction of the Arsenal fans to Eduardo's goal against us.

    Even better is Spurs stuttering start. The early penalty wins flattered them it'd appear, and I am sure most readers took great glee in the drubbing that City gave them recently.

    However we must remember how early in the season it is. This time last year Spurs were two points ahead, and the year before by the end of November they had a three point lead. So don't get too confident at a mere 11 point lead. Especially as they have a game in hand.

    The situation in summary:
    GamesPointsGDPoints behind(games left)(max points)

    And a rather elongated Cann table extract is needed to get Spurs and Arsenal both in...

    31  Arsenal
    24  Liverpool (1 game in hand), Chelsea (1), Everton
    22  Man City (1), Southampton (1)
    21  Man Utd (1)
    20  Newcastle Utd (1), Tottenham Hotspur (1)

    That is a heck of a gap, but Arsenal need to keep slogging away and winning. But who saw this back in July?

    Admin update: I've added a 2013/14 link and a link back to the home page to the bar on the left hand side of the page.

    [/season13-14] permanent link

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