St Totteringham's Day

A St Totteringham's Day Diary.

More Info

  • List of every St Totteringham's since the first on 22nd April 1911.
  • Old home page, including detail on 2003/4 to 2010/11
  • The story of St T's day and some acknowledgements
  • Some analysis of the history of St Totteringham's
  • home page

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    I should probably add some.

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    The blame
    Mostly written by Mike Pitt. You can contact me by email on Nice comments only please. I'm also @sttottsday on twitter.
    Original material © Mike Pitt 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023

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    St Totteringham's Day was the day when Arsenal fans celebrate the fact that Tottenham can no longer catch Arsenal in the League. It is a movable feast, but usually falls in March, April or May. It was the day to collect on bets made by over-optimistic Spurs fans in the close season who think that "this is the year".

    See the links on the left for more information.

    Sun, 19 May 2013

    Happy St Totteringham's day 2013

    Arsenal have now finished above Spurs for eighteen years in a row, a magnificent achievement and one that seemed unlikely back in March. So in 2013 St T's is 19 May. The tenth final day St T's, and the latest ever. Breaking last year's record (13/5).

    As I type the Spurs manager is trying to suggest that Bale's diving habit had some effect on how Newcastle and Arsenal would play. Muppet. Anyway...

    The final position...
    GamesPointsGDPoints behind(games left)(max points)

    This is the 48th St Totteringham's day, and the 63rd time we have finished above Spurs in the league.

    Double or quits against a Spurs fan has now reached £131,072 since '95/96.

    Gloating aside, a reminder: Spurs are improving and we are not. Over a season the better squad finishes higher, but we are not competing for trophies and are struggling to even finish above Spurs. Now, with luck, Bale may go over the summer and then the natural order will be restored but we can't rely on it...


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    Happy St Totteringham's day

    We finish above Spurs for the 18th year in a row on 19th May.

    More to follow...

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