Britain >East Anglia >Attleborough


Collected date 18/03/06

Attleborough station sign

Attleborough station is on the line between Ely and Norwich, between Wymondham and Thetford. I stopped off on a slightly grey day to take these pictures. The front of the station building, now in private hands, from the car parking area:

Attleborough front

The centre of the station building:

Attleborough front

Behind me in the above pictures is this small building, probably also part of the railway:

Attleborough building

To the rear of the station building is platform 1, for trains eastwards to Norwich:

Attleborough platform 1

Underneath the canopy is this small war memorial:

Attleborough memorial

The eastern end of the station building, platform-side:

Attleborough station building
rear, east end

Looking east along the line from the end of platform 1:

Attleborough looking east

Opposite platform 1 is the old goods shed:

Attleborough goods shed

At the western end of platform 1 is the signalbox:

Attleborough signalbox

A level crossing, operated by hand from the signalbox at the western end of platform 1, connects the station's two platforms:

Attleborough level crossing

Over the road from the station building next to the level crossing is the "station bungalow", built according to the blue plaque in 1845, at the same time as the rest of the station:

Attleborough bungalow

The level crossing and signalbox, looking back towards platform 1 and the station building:

Attleborough level crossing and

Looking west at platform 2:

Attleborough platform 2 from
platform 1

Looking east along platform 2:

Attleborough platform 2

Looking west along the line from platform 2:

Attleborough looking west