Britain >Whole UK >Morar Arisaig Mallaig


Collected date 20/08/12

Morar sign

Morar is the penultimate station on the line to Mallaig and was the end of a beautiful cycle ride from Arisaig. The station itself is set in a small paved area between the road and the railway. The entrance to the station platform, with the station building to the right:

Morar entrance

The other side of the station building, with the line to the right:

Morar station building side

On the other side of the entranceway is a less attractive building:

Morar manky building

The rear of the station building provides shelter, which was useful when a rainstorm began five minutes after taking these photos:

Morar building rear

On the platform, looking at the rear of the ugly building:

Morar building rear

Like most stations in the area, the platform is gravelled with a paved edge. Looking north along it:

Morar platform looking north

Looking south from the other end of the platform:

Morar platform looking south

Near the northern end of the platform is this post:

Morar post

Looking north along the line:

Morar looking north

The line crosses a road at an open crossing just to the south of the station:

Morar level crossing looking south

The road-side view of the level crossing:

Morar level crossing

Looking south along the line from the level crossing:

Morar looking south

The station, seen from the level crossing:
