Britain >Northern Scotland >Lochailort Beasdale Glenfinnan


Collected date 19/08/12

Lochailort sign

Lochailort station was an evening stop after a day mucking about on steam trains. It's a short walk from Loch Ailort itself, which in the early evening light was utterly beautiful. The approach to the station from the road:

Lochailort approach

There is a small car park at the end of the approach road, and this cluster of signs at the entrance to the station itself:

Lochailort entrance

The station information phone insists of its buttons "please do not use these buttons as they are inoperable and have no function":

Lochailort phone non-buttons

Like almost all the stations in the area, Lochailort has a bronze tidy station standard plaque:

Lochailort tidy station plaque

At the northern end of the car park is this ramp:

Lochailort ramp

Looking north along the line from just inside the station entrance:

Lochailort looking north

Looking south along the platform in the direction of Beasdale and Arisaig:

Lochailort platform

Very overgrown now is the disused platform opposite:

Lochailort disused platform

Looking south along the line:

Lochailort looking south