chiark / gitweb /
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerIan Jackson - midlevel account
last changeTue, 26 Apr 2016 20:06:50 +0000 (21:06 +0100)
2016-04-26 Ian Jacksondebian/changelog: finalise 0.3.1-1+iwj3 export.stretch master
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonSensitivity: Handle sensitivities < 1.0 without roundin...
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonSensitivity: Introduce mconfig_get_sensitivity and...
2016-04-26 Ian Jacksondebian/changelog: Start work on sensitivity
2016-04-26 Ian Jacksondebian/changelog: finalise 0.3.1-1+iwj2
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonOffsets: Use ymin value for bottom edge features
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonOffsets: Use xmin offset for button zones
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonOffsets: In button zone code, cope with negative "pos...
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonOffsets: Introduce cfg->pad_xmin and ymin, and cap_get_...
2016-04-26 Ian Jacksondebian/changelog: finalise 0.3.1-1+iwj1
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonButton zones: Export bottom_edge_zones in MTRACK_PROP_B...
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonButton zones: Provide BottomEdgeZonesEnable
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonButton zones: Refactor, preparatory to BottomEdgeZones
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonButton zones: Remove inexplicable pad_with/2 offset
2016-04-26 Ian JacksonDebugging: Print each touch's state bitmask in mtstate_...
2016-04-26 Ian Jacksoncommon.h: bitmaps: Provide PRBITMASK
8 years ago export.stretch
8 years ago master