On the way to drive some hovercraft I passed through Thurston station, on the line between Cambridge and Ipswich. At platform level, the station is pretty enough, but descending to road level the building is marvellous:
Now in private hands and no longer used by the railway, but still standing and still very attractive. A ramp leads up from the station front to platform level, via the car park:
The third storey of the station building backs onto platform 2:
The doorways and windows are of course bricked up:
The rear of the station building seen from the other side, with the weather-vane on top and arch in the chimney:
Detail of the canopy on platform 2:
On platform 1 opposite, looking eastwards:
Looking west along the line from the end of platform 1:
A long view of platform 1:
Looking east from the end of platform 1, next to the crossing which allows passengers to get between the two platforms:
All photographs are © Alexandra Lanes You may reproduce them anywhere for any purpose. Coastline maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2001