Britain >North West >Lytham Moss Side Ansdell and Fairhaven


Collected date 09/09/14

Lytham sign

Lytham station is a bit of a treat. Although like the other stations on the Blackpool South branch it's single-track, the large impressive station building wasn't demolished when BR downgraded the station. Now the station building serves as a pub. The front of the station building seen from the south:

Lytham front

A view of the western end of the station front:

Lytham front from west

The central portion of the station building, which is the entrance into the pub:

Lytham pub entrance

A plaque in the ivy on the central entrance:

Lytham plaque

The station platform is accessed through an archway to the right of the station building:

Lytham entrance

On the platform, looking east at the bridge which crosses the line to the station's east:

Lytham looking east

Looking west behind the shelter towards the entrance arch:

Lytham shelter

Patterns on the brickwork show where a ridged canopy was once attached:

Lytham canopy traces

Looking west along the platform with the bricked-up arches and windows of the station building to the left:

Lytham platform looking west

The central archway provides a covered waiting area:

Lytham rear arch

From the other end of the platform looking eastwards:

Lytham looking east along platform

At the far west end of the platform is an exit to the station car park:

Lytham car park exit

Looking west past the end of the platform:

Lytham looking west

The car park exit leads to the car park at the western end of the station building. This is the road-side entrance to the car park:

Lytham car park

Walking back along the station frontage we reach the steps which lead up to the road:

Lytham steps

Climbing up on to the bridge that crosses the line we look west at the station area:

Lytham looking west from bridge

Looking east from the other side of the bridge:

Lytham looking east from bridge

On the north side of the bridge are two old gateposts:

Lytham old entry

From the ramp which leads down from the road, looking at the rear of the station building:

Lytham rear

At the bottom of the ramp, we get a good view of the disused platform:

Lytham disused platform rear

The disused platform face seen from the operational platform:

Lytham disused platform