Britain >North West >Blackpool South Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Blackpool South

Collected date 09/09/14

Blackpool South sign

Blackpool South is the lesser of Blackpool's two termini, both in terms of size and number of services. It was once a stop on the way to the demolished Blackpool Central next to the tower, but now the line ends at Waterloo Road. The entrance to the station from Waterloo Road to its north:

Blackpool South entrance

Looking south from the road bridge at the station's single platform:

Blackpool South looking
south from road bridge

A ramp leads up to the road bridge:

Blackpool South ramp

A sign in the grass next to the ramp welcomes you to "South Beach" which was once the name of the station:

Blackpool South - Welcome To
South Beach

The buffers at the end of the line, with the steps up to road level visible in the background:

Blackpool South buffers

On the platform looking north:

Blackpool South platform

Looking south along the platform at its small shelter:

Blackpool South platform
looking south

Further south along the platform looking north:

Blackpool South platform
looking north

The operational platform only sees short DMUs so is quite short. The south end of the platform is fenced off and overgrown. Looking south:

Blackpool South looking south

Although only one platform is now in use, the platform still has two sides, the other of which borders the carpark next door. The disused side of the platform, looking south:

Blackpool South disused
platform side

Looking south along the disused platform:

Blackpool South disused
platform looking south

Looking back north along the disused platform:

Blackpool South disused
platform looking north