Britain >South West >Chapelton Umberleigh Barnstaple


Collected date 25/05/06

Chapelton station sign

Chapelton was the last station we visited on the line between Exeter St Davids and Barnstaple. It's also one of the furthest from any obvious built up area.

The first you see of the station at the end of the short track which leads to it is the station building, now in private hands:

Chapelton station house

Looking south from the crossing at the house and platform:


Then there's a short gravelly walk to the one operational platform:

Chapelton platform approach

There's not much on the platform apart from a shelter and a few planted tubs. The shelter was welcome in the rain, even if the roof did leak:

Chapelton shelter

The south end of the working platform is disused and vegetation has taken over:

Chapelton looking south

A view of the station house from the platform opposite:

Chapelton station house

Looking north along the line:

Chapelton looking north