Britain >South >Brockenhurst Beaulieu Road Sway Lymington Town


Collected date 23/05/07

Brockenhurst sign

Brockenhurst is the junction between the main line to Weymouth and the branch to Lymington. I was glad of the chance to wander around the station after the cycle ride from Beaulieu Road.

The front of Brockenhurst station, from the adjacent car park:

Brockenhurst front

A canopy on the car-park side adjoins a wall between the station front and the rest of the station:

Brockenhurst front wall

The rest of the station is reached via the footbridge, giving this view south of the station building rear and platform 1:

Brockenhurst platform 1 from

Looking north from the same point:

Brockenhurst platform 1 from
footbridge looking north

From platform 1, the rear of the station building:

Brockenhurst station
building rear

The gate in the station building wall leads to this swing-out bridge device:

Brockenhurst device

On platform 1, looking north towards the station building and the footbridge:

Brockenhurst platform 1

On the other side of the platform 1 island is platform 2, seen here looking south with platform 3 to the left:

Brockenhurst platform 2

From platform 3, a view of the footbridge:

Brockenhurst footbridge

Looking north at the station complex from the southern end of platform 3:

Brockenhurst platforms 3 and 4
looking north

The rounded entrance to the waiting room on platform 3:

Brockenhurst platforms 3 and 4
round building

Looking south along platform 4:

Brockenhurst platform 4 looking

Platform 4 is the branch platform for Lymington trains, and is operated as a pseudo-heritage railway by South West Trains. Apart from the old slam-door trains which still run the branch's services, one of the most obvious signs of this at Brockenhurst is the old Southern Region totems on platform 4:

Brockenhurst platform 4

Looking north from the end of platforms 3 and 4:

Brockenhurst looking north

Looking south along the line:

Brockenhurst looking south

The end of the footbridge, leading to the car park at the rear of the station:

Brockenhurst footbridge end

Looking north from the footbridge:

Brockenhurst looking north
from footbridge

The rear of the station complex:

Brockenhurst rear

The signalbox and level crossing:

Brockenhurst signalbox and level