A package for orphaned sysvinit scripts

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Sat Jan 2 20:18:00 GMT 2021

On Sat, 2 Jan 2021, Matthew Vernon wrote:

> Thanks :) I do understand the "fsck it, just run Devuan" desire!

I’m quite annoyed by it being mentioned in something like
every second mail on this list, tbh. I want to make Debian
better (and believe that this fight should be done in Debian
proper, as derivatives will lose should this be desupported
in the origin).

> On 02/01/2021 18:40, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

>> Or someone could teach sysv-rc or insserv to look for init scripts in
>> /usr/share/init.d, with an init script in /etc/init.d of the same name
>> taking precedence

I think this could be quickly done in time for bullseye,
then everything else can build on top of it. But even with
this, the problem of which scripts to activate remains.
I’m not familiar enough for deciding that.

I think the trigger solution is not quite out yet.

I’d still prefer for packages to just ship init scripts,
the resolution AIUI doesn’t justify maintainers refusing
them if working properly and supported (externally).


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