A package for orphaned sysvinit scripts

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Sat Jan 2 17:00:51 GMT 2021

On Sat, 2 Jan 2021, Matthew Vernon wrote:

> Perhaps the answer is to have the trigger-handling script run ucf (rather than
> have it run automatically on package install) to do conf-file handling?

Triggers run the postinst maintainer script with triggered, so
I’d say the logic gets called from both that and postinst configure,
so a dpkg-reconfigure will also call the logic, so we don’t need to
split it out into a separate script.

> I think otherwise you can either use ucf in the obvious way for /etc/init.d
> (but still have unnecessary scripts in /etc/init.d/)

I don’t understand this.

If we use ucf to manage the files in /etc/init.d/ then we of course
use it to manage only these for the packages which scan as present?

Handle triggering package addition/removal the same as new conffile
or removal of a conffile on package upgrade, ucf-wise.

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