Response to active removal of initscripts

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Thu Jul 2 17:13:30 BST 2020

On Thu, 2 Jul 2020, Mark Hindley wrote:

> What suggestions does anybody else have for how to procede with this?

See #944748 and especially the severity downgrade by jmm
after the GR.

Simply put: that catastrophal GR allows maintainers to do
just that and makes Debian and all of its derivatives
unsuitable and I’m reconsidering one of the modern BSDs
as $orkplace/$dayjob system. NetBSD®, with pkgsrc®, has
lang/openjdk11, devel/apache-maven and www/apache-tomcat9
which are pretty much all I need for work, and my private
Debian uses are covered by www/firefox-esr, audio/musescore
and… hrm that’s it, everything else I need already runs on
MirBSD despite being rather ancient. I am also capable of
packaging for pkgsrc® just as well as Debian, just a little
out of practice.

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