
The cargo tool, which is used to build any nontrivial Rust program, will automatically download and build all the dependencies (from, typically) and (together with rustc) manage reuse of previous builds etc.

cargo is super-convenient for the common use cases, but also has serious problems.


A (git) tree can be a workspace containing multiple packages. Each package can contain multiple rustc crates (eg, a library and several binaries), but informally people often say "crate" to mean "package".

When publishing to, each package becomes separate.

cargo needs some metadata, from a file Cargo.toml in the toplevel.

cargo can often infer the intended libraries and executables in a conventionally-laid-out package. There are knobs to override these conventions. In particular it is fairly easy (and a good idea) to avoid the proliferation of src directories in each subdirectory of a workspace.

It is a good idea to start a new project with cargo init. Unlike some similar tools in other languages, the resulting tree does not contain much boilerplate.

If you make a project from scratch do not forget to include edition = "2018" (or similar). See Editions.

cargo maintains a calculated dependency resolution (versions and hashes of all dependencies) in Cargo.lock. It is conventional to commit that file for packages generating binaries, and omit it for libraries (where my personal practice is to commit Cargo.lock.example.)

By default cargo only operates on the crate in the cwd. If you want it to build/test/whatever the whole workspace, you must say --workspace.

Security implications

cargo and the ecosystem have some troublesome security properties. Since I have not seen this discussed in depth elsewhere, I will do so here.

cargo's model is heavily influenced by npm, whose ecosystem and usual methods of use have an appalling security record.

The Rust libraries are much less atomised than npm's. In a typical project one may end up using a handful, dozens or maybe hundreds of dependencies, but not the thousands upon thousands one sees with npm.

Both cargo and rustc will run, at build-time, code supplied by the packages they are building. There are no restrictions on what that code might do.

The package repository contains tarballs, and there is no mechanical linkage or machine-readable traceability of those crate tarballs back to the git repositories they were hopefully originally created from. (The index is maintained in git but cargo does not look at the git history of the index and does not mind if the index history rewinds, which it has done occasionally.)

Some of the more important libraries are part of library collections managed by multiple-person umbrella institutions. But many necessary libraries are standalone and owned and maintained by a single Rust developer.


There are tools to help with the software supply chain management problem, such as cargo-supply-chain, cargo-audit and cargo-crev. The Rustsec advisory database even records advisories for APIs which are capable of misuse, even if there is no known real-world bug,

Some OS distros (e.g. Debian) are starting to maintain reasonable collections of Rust packages within the distro package repository. This puts your OS distro between you and the raw data from, which is likely to reduce your risk. To do this, you will probably want to configure cargo's source replacement not to look at but to look at your distro packages instead (sorry, link needs JS).

You may also consider some kind of privsep, where packages are built in a container or VM of some kind.

One approach is to keep all of the Rust code, and run all of the tools and the generated code, in the privsep environment. But this is not always very convenient for day-to-day development.

I have a tool nailing-cargo (sorry, link needs JS) which can help maintain a convenient workflow even when one doesn't want to run the Rust system in one's main environment.

Other problems and limitations

cargo is very easy for simple cases.

But it has limitations, bugs, and inflexibilities. Unlike most of the rest of Rust, important problems can remain outstanding for years. Some awkward limitations are even deliberate policy on the part of cargo upstream.

The situation is too complex to document here, but here are some of the key issues you may run into:

Out-of-tree builds are supported in theory, but in practice the information needed to successfully run a nontrivial test suite (or complex code generator) in an out-of-tree build is not provided to the crates being compiled. The ecosystem infrastructure does not use out-of-tree builds. So many crates' tests do not work out-of-tree, and some crates do not build. (You can arrange for the target directory to be somewhere else, if you don't mind the build still needing write access to the source tree.)

Although a stated goal of cargo is to be embeddable into other build systems, cargo does not expose the interfaces necessary to do this well. It's hard to know when to rerun cargo and when cargo's outputs changed. It's hard to get cargo to build precisely what's needed. If you want to run cargo inside make, you will need to resort to stamp files, and live with it sometimes doing unnecessary work.

It is not possible to have a completely local (unpublished) dependency without baking the path on the local filesystem into the depending packages' source tree.

nailing-cargo and other tools may help with some of these issues.