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[disorder] / lib / heap.h
1 /*
2  * This file is part of DisOrder.
3  * Copyright (C) 2007 Richard Kettlewell
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
18  * USA
19  */
20 /** @file lib/heap.h @brief Binary heap template */
22 #ifndef HEAP_H
23 #define HEAP_H
25 /** @brief Binary heap template.
26  * @param NAME name of type to define
27  * @param ETYPE element type
28  * @param LT comparison function
29  *
30  * Defines a heap type called @c struct @p NAME and a number of functions to
31  * operate on it.
32  *
33  * The element type of the heap will be @p ETYPE.
34  *
35  * @p LT will be called with two arguments of type @p ETYPE, and
36  * implements a less-than comparison.
37  *
38  * The functions defined are:
39  * - NAME_init(h) which initializes an empty heap at @p h
40  * - NAME_count(h) which returns the number of elements in the heap
41  * - NAME_insert(h, e) which inserts @p e into @p h
42  * - NAME_first(g) which returns the least element of @p h
43  * - NAME_remove(g) which removes and returns the least element of @p h
44  *
45  * The heap is implemented as a vector.  Element 0 is the root.  For any
46  * element \f$i\f$, its children are elements \f$2i+1\f$ and \f$2i+2\f$ and
47  * consequently its parent (if it is not the root) is
48  * \f$\lfloor(i-1)/2\rfloor\f$.
49  * 
50  * The insert and remove operations maintain two invariants: the @b
51  * shape property (all levels of the tree are fully filled except the
52  * deepest, and that is filled from the left), and the @b heap
53  * property, that every element compares less than or equal to its
54  * children.
55  *
56  * The shape property implies that the array representation has no gaps, which
57  * is convenient.  It is preserved by only adding or removing the final element
58  * of the array and otherwise only modifying the array by swapping pairs of
59  * elements.
60  *
61  * @b Insertion works by inserting the new element \f$N\f$ at the end and
62  * bubbling it up the tree until it is in the right order for its branch.
63  * - If, for its parent \f$P\f$, \f$P \le N\f$ then it is already in the right
64  * place and the insertion is complete.
65  * - Otherwise \f$P > N\f$ and so \f$P\f$ and \f$N\f$ are exchanged.  If
66  * \f$P\f$ has a second child, \f$C\f$, then \f$N < P < C\f$ so the heap
67  * property is now satisfied from \f$P\f$ down.
68  *
69  * @b Removal works by first swapping the root with the final element (and then
70  * removing it) and then bubbling the new root \f$N\f$ down the tree until it
71  * finds its proper place.  At each stage it is compared with its children
72  * \f$A\f$ and \f$B\f$.
73  * - If \f$N \le A\f$ and \f$N \le B\f$ then it is in the
74  * right place already.
75  * - Otherwise \f$N > A\f$ or \f$N > B\f$ (or both).  WLOG \f$A \le B\f$.
76  * \f$N\f$ and \f$A\f$ are exchanged, so now \f$A\f$ has children \f$N\f$ and
77  * \f$B\f$.  \f$A < N\f$ and \f$A \le B\f$.
78  */
79 #define HEAP_TYPE(NAME, ETYPE, LT)                                      \
80   typedef ETYPE NAME##_element;                                         \
81   VECTOR_TYPE(NAME, NAME##_element, xrealloc);                          \
82                                                                         \
83   static inline int NAME##_count(struct NAME *heap) {                   \
84     return heap->nvec;                                                  \
85   }                                                                     \
86                                                                         \
87   static inline NAME##_element NAME##_first(struct NAME *heap) {        \
88     assert(heap->nvec > 0);                                             \
89     return heap->vec[0];                                                \
90   }                                                                     \
91                                                                         \
92   static void NAME##_insert(struct NAME *heap, NAME##_element elt) {    \
93     int n = heap->nvec;                                                 \
94     NAME##_append(heap, elt);                                           \
95     while(n > 0) {                                                      \
96       const int p = (n-1)/2;                                            \
97       if(!LT(heap->vec[n],heap->vec[p]))                                \
98         break;                                                          \
99       else {                                                            \
100         const NAME##_element t = heap->vec[n];                          \
101         heap->vec[n] = heap->vec[p];                                    \
102         heap->vec[p] = t;                                               \
103         n = p;                                                          \
104       }                                                                 \
105     }                                                                   \
106   }                                                                     \
107                                                                         \
108   static NAME##_element NAME##_remove(struct NAME *heap) {              \
109     int n = 0;                                                          \
110     NAME##_element r;                                                   \
111                                                                         \
112     assert(heap->nvec > 0);                                             \
113     r = heap->vec[0];                                                   \
114     heap->vec[0] = heap->vec[--heap->nvec];                             \
115     while(2 * n + 1 < heap->nvec) {                                     \
116       int a = 2 * n + 1;                                                \
117       int b = 2 * n + 2;                                                \
118                                                                         \
119       if(b < heap->nvec && LT(heap->vec[b],heap->vec[a])) {             \
120         ++a;                                                            \
121         --b;                                                            \
122       }                                                                 \
123       if(LT(heap->vec[a], heap->vec[n])) {                              \
124         const NAME##_element t = heap->vec[n];                          \
125         heap->vec[n] = heap->vec[a];                                    \
126         heap->vec[a] = t;                                               \
127         n = a;                                                          \
128       } else                                                            \
129         break;                                                          \
130     }                                                                   \
131     return r;                                                           \
132   }                                                                     \
133                                                                         \
134   struct heap_swallow_semicolon
137 #endif /* PQUEUE_H */
139 /*
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