50 characters ? (was RE: Man jailed over computer password refusal

Passive PROFITS passiveprofits at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 9 15:01:06 BST 2010

On 09/10/2010 03:14, Caspar Bowden (travelling private e-mail)
I wonder how it was known that the password was 50 characters (or if this is standard press release garbling)?

    Some reports say he claimed to have forgotten the password; that it
    was 50 characters long might have been part of that claim.



Hi Nicholas/Caspar/All,

May also have been something potentially more obvious; camera or audio surveillance picking up the number of keystrokes, but not what they were.  FYI; I've not even read the press report/followed this case, but that seems an obvious answer to this question (which seems to be being asked all around the web in consequence of the article's wording).

First post to the list; hello all! :)




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