papersway 1.000 released

Sean Whitton spwhitton at
Wed Apr 24 08:50:42 BST 2024

I am pleased to announce papersway 1.000.

papersway is an implementation of PaperWM-like scrollable window
management for Sway/i3wm.  If you like Sway/i3wm's commitments to
stability, avoiding scope creep etc.  but dislike the window management
model, papersway might be of interest.

On each workspace, windows are arranged in a row.  By default, two of
the windows in the row are visible at a time, and you can move left and
right in the row to display other windows.
Opening a new window pushes one of the visible windows off the screen to
make room, and closing a window pulls in a window to fill the space.
You can reorder the windows.

There are commands to change the number of visible windows; toggle
*monocle mode*, in which the focused window occupies all visible
columns; and jump to a *fresh workspace*, which means a new, empty
workspace occurring immediately after the currently focused workspace.

You can find the source at for
browsing online or git cloning.

Releases are made by publishing signed git tags to that repository.
The tag for this release is named 'v1.000', and is signed by me.

On Debian testing and unstable systems, apt-get install papersway

Papersway's homepage:

Sean Whitton
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