
Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Fri Mar 15 19:22:21 GMT 2024

On Thu, 14 Mar 2024, Mark Hindley wrote:

>Whilst I appreciate your offer and the spirit in which it is made, I
>think that is the wrong approach. I fear it would condone and invite
>further cronjobs to be dropped.

The question is, can we get maintainers to please not do that.

It’s definitely not covered by the GR.
Policy mentions cronjobs (and not systemd-whatsitsname)
but doesn’t mandate them for… well… cronjobs, only saying what
to do when a package wants to execute them via cron.

>AFAIU the only technical argument for dropping cronjobs when adding
>systemd timers is to prevent duplicate jobs being run. However, the
>same can be achieved whilst maintaining compatibility by protecting the
>cronjobs with a
> [ -d /run/systemd/system ] || ...

Those have been in place since several releases already anyway.

>What do others think?

Has any of the maintainers of any of the affected packages said
anything about this already?

Is there a list of affected packages somewhere, so the average
sysadmin can at least see where to manually throw cronjobs back
on if needed?

Has anyone contacted CTTE and/or raised this on d-devel, d-project
or somewhere else suitable?

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