Desktop/login and network managers that 100% don't depend on systemd ?

lorenzo plorenzo at
Sat Jun 24 18:35:05 BST 2023


On Sat, 24 Jun 2023 14:36:16 +0100
Ottavio Caruso <ottavio2006-usenet2012 at> wrote:

> Hi,
> One of the problems I have with this:
> is that it doesn't tell you that you are then left with a system with
> no user-friendly login, desktop and network managers.

make sure you install elogind, libpam-elogind, and libelogind0.
Then desktop stuff should work, including network managers.

> I get it that most of you guys are probably running debian from a
> wired IP, in which case a simple tweak to the network interfaces file
> is more than enough, but wouldn't it be nice to have a document on
> post-removal of systemd?
> In particular, I was thinking of replacing NM with dhcpcd-gtk. There
> are no documents about that on the Debian wiki.
> What about DE? I am running Mate and I would probably have to get rid
> of Mate and lightdm.
> Thanks.

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