Upgrade Bullseye to Bookworm, and getting of rid of systemd?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Thu Jun 22 19:32:42 BST 2023

On Thu, 22 Jun 2023, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:

>for things running, for boxes building things, I've been forced to
>reinstall libsystemd0 to get coherent build dependencies.

You use cowbuilder for that (or just pbuilder, I guess, or sbuild).

>> >    avahi-daemon:any
>> ?!?!?!
>Also ideological. Having read enough of the source and heard enough of the
>And for the ringer, I also try to not have dbus wherever possible.

I don’t disagree, but you ought to disentangle that from the problem
at hand, so the OP and others are not confused.

I have separate metapackages that install those preferences.d files
and have appropriate Conflicts, and yes that includes a prevent-dbus,
but, as I said, separation of what to avoid.

>> I highly doubt that src: prefix works. And don’t do that for bookworm
>> anyway.
>For clarity, I only suggest it because 1) it works, 2) I've tested it to my

It’s not supported and has a high chance it will break.
To avoid UsrMove, stay on bullseye like I do.

(Don’t use baseball analogies. I vaguely recall it exists from
school, but don’t think we ever played it, and IT people usually
aren’t sports people either.)

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