sid trouble

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Tue Aug 13 17:31:26 BST 2019

On Tue, 13 Aug 2019, The Wanderer wrote:

> I'm guessing this is because of the libvirt-daemon-system dependency on
> policykit-1?


> So you might be able to resolve this without addressing logind at all,
> just at the policykit-1 level.

Yes, I could (but I might have (did not check) other things that depend
on policykit-1 (which I stubbed out with policykit-1-without-systemd
from the WTF APT repository before), so YMMV), but I was wondering why
elogind does not yet Provides: logind (is it not ready yet or something?).

> want a replacement for virtualbox and virt-manager seems like the best
> bet, but it doesn't seem to Just Work to even a minimal level without
> libvirt-daemon-system.)

virt-manager is just a GUI frontend for virsh, which both talk to
a running libvirt dæmon. Recently it also runs the qemu tasks in
the background which broke my chroots. It’s a beast, but if you
get it working, it works well.

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