Addressing more sysvinit bugs

Jesse Smith jessefrgsmith at
Sat Nov 3 01:13:15 GMT 2018

On 11/2/18 9:19 PM, Adam Borowski wrote:

> Do you have any disruptive or controversial changes already in to-be-2.92?
> If not, what about making a smaller release sooner?  It's not like git tags
> or archive uploads are very costly...

It looks like Buster doesn't enter freeze until January 12th 2019 [1].
Which is pretty close to when I wanted to push out the next version of
SysV init anyway. So I'll just try to publish the next version (2.92)
around the end of December instead of early January. That should give a
couple of days for people to package and test the new version. Then
about two weeks to migrate from Sid into Buster.


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