Britain >North East >Oxenhope


CRS Code ***
Collected date 22/05/10

Oxenhope sign

Oxenhope is at the far end of the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway from Keighley where the line connects with the main line.

The front of the small station building:

Oxenhope front

Out on to the platform to see the rear of the station building:

Oxenhope rear

Detail of the lamp on the station building:

Oxenhope lamp

The line ends here, with a water tower and the points for a run around loop:

Oxenhope water tower

Looking north along the platform from next to the station building:

Oxenhope platform looking north

Further north along the platform, with the engine shed visible in the background:

Oxenhope platform looking

Looking south towards the end of the line:

Oxenhope platform looking south

The end of the engine shed at the northern end of the station platform:

Oxenhope shed end

Looking north along the line from the end of the platform:

Oxenhope looking north