Britain >North West >Kents Bank Cark Grange-Over-Sands

Kents Bank

Collected date 12/09/14

Kents Bank sign

Kents Bank is a small station, once on the bank of the River Kent in Morecambe Bay, but the river has shifted eastwards towards so it is now salt marshes as far as the eye can see.

The front of the station building, seen from the car park:

Kents Bank front

The side of the station building, with access to the level crossing and platform 1:

Kents Bank side

The rear of the station building from platform 2 opposite:

Kents Bank rear

On platform 1, for eastbound trains. In the background is a second entrance to platform 1:

Kents Bank platform 1 rear

A small covered waiting area on platform 1 with a standing perch:

Kents Bank platform 1 waiting

Further along platform 1, looking south:

Kents Bank platform 1

Looking north from the end of platform 1:

Kents Bank platform 1

Looking south along both platforms from the end of platform 1:

Kents Bank platforms looking

At the southern end of the platforms a level crossing is the only way between them:

Kents Bank level crossing

Platform 2 also has a building, this shelter:

Kents Bank platform 2 shelter

Inside the shelter on platform 2:

Kents Bank in platform 2