Britain >South West >Topsham Exton Digby and Sowton


Collected date 22/05/06

Topsham station sign

The majority of the line to Exmouth is single-track, and Topsham serves as a passing loop to give the line its relatively frequent service.

In case the station signs weren't enough, the station's name is spelt out in hedges:

Topsham topiary

The station building seen from the opposite platform:

Topsham building

The road side of the station building:

Topsham building front

This side view of the building shows the large chimneys:

Topsham chimneys

Looking south along platform 2:

Topsham platform 2

A level crossing at the north end of the station is the only way across the line:

Topsham signal box and level

The signalbox on platform 2 at Topsham station:

Topsham signal box Topsham signal box end view

Looking south along platform 1:

Topsham platform 1

Looking north from the level crossing, where the line becomes single-track again:

Topsham looking north

Looking south from platform 2:

Topsham looking south