Britain >Greater London >St James Street Walthamstow Central

St James Street

Collected date 16/09/06

St James Street sign

St James Street is one of several stations in Walthamstow. The entrance to the station building:

St James Street entrance

Behind the building entrance are the steps which lead up to platform 2:

St James Street platform 2

Platform 2, for eastbound trains to Walthamstow Central and Chingford:

St James Street platform 2

Looking west at both platforms 1 and 2:

St James Street platforms 1 and

The stairs leading up to platform 1:

St James Street steps

Down some more steps to the side of the station building. To the right is an entrance and an underpass under the railway:

St James Street platform 1

And the bridge seen from the platform 1 side of the railway:

St James Street bridge

On platform 1, looking east:

St James Street looking east

Looking west:

St James Street looking west