Britain >Northern Scotland >Spean Bridge Fort William

Spean Bridge

Collected date 22/08/12

Spean Bridge sign

Spean Bridge is the first station on the line from Fort William to Glasgow Queen Street, and I arrived there after a rain-soaked cycle ride along the nearby A82. This is not a nice road for anyone, as the lengthy delay due to a crashed caravan amply illustrated. Still, I got to Spean Bridge with enough time to spare to see the station.

The station's frontage. The station building is now used as a restaurant:

Spean Bridge front

The entrance to the restaurant:

Spean Bridge restaurant

The entrance to platform 1 is just to the side of the station building, while those wanting platform 2 for westbound trains have to use a ramp just to the right and cross the line using the bridge:

Spean Bridge platform 1

The rear of the station building on platform 1:

Spean Bridge platform 1

A longer view of platform 1 from the bridge which spans the tracks:

Spean Bridge platform 1
from bridge

The station still has many old features, including these scales:

Spean Bridge scales

An old trolley:

Spean Bridge trolley

At the eastern end of the station building is this, which I think is a holder for old train destination boards:

Spean Bridge destinations

Just east of the station building is a siding:

Spean Bridge siding Spean Bridge siding buffers

An old signalbox sits at the eastern end of platform 1:

Spean Bridge signalbox

The two sides of the station are connected by this bridge towards the western end of the station:

Spean Bridge bridge

From the bridge, looking west along the line:

Spean bridge looking west
from bridge

Looking east at the station from the bridge:

Spean Bridge from bridge
looking east

The entrance to platform 2:

Spean Bridge platform 2

The entrance to platform 2 is in a small gardened area of the platform:

Spean Bridge platform 2 exit

A shelter on platform 2:

Spean Bridge platform 2 shelter

Plants, sponsored:

Spean Bridge plants

Looking west along the platforms from the end of platform 2:

Spean Bridge platforms looking

Looking east along the line:

Spean Bridge looking east