Britain >Greater London >South Bermondsey Queens Road Peckham

South Bermondsey

Collected date 01/08/15

South Bermondsey

South Bermondsey sits on a Southern-run line between Queens Road Peckham and London Bridge". I visited as the light was fading, although really there isn't very much to see anyway! The "entrance" to the station on Rotherhith New Road is significantly to the west of the platforms themselves, and a footbridge crosses the road on what I think was once a goods branch route:

South Bermondsey bridge

From the bridge looking down a path which ultimately leads to the station:

South Bermondsey approach

Halfway along the path there's a help point (white) and some departure boards but still no sign of a station:

South Bermondsey train times

Ah, here were are, an entrance:

South Bermondsey entrance

Steps lead up to a single island platform on a viaduct. On platform 1 looking north towards the exit:

South Bermondsey platforms 1
and 2 looking north

Looking north along the platform:

South Bermondsey platforms
looking north

Looking south along platform 1:

South Bermondsey platform 1
looking south

At the southern end of the platform looking north:

South Bermondsey from south

Looking north along the line:

South Bermondsey looking north