Britain >Midlands >Peterborough Huntingdon Whittlesea Spalding Grantham Stamford


Collected date 03/08/05

Peterborough sign

Since Peterborough is the way to get north and west of Cambridge I find myself passing through quite regularly. On this occasion in August 2005 I was on my way to Glasgow Central for the World Science Fiction Convention, and had a little while to wait for the connecting train.

The station is modern and characterless throughout; the front of the station building gives you a good idea of what to expect:

Peterborough front

The entrance to the ticket hall:

Peterborough entrance

Inside the concourse:

Peterborough concourse

Looking along platforms 1 and 2 towards the station building:

Peterborough platforms 1 and 2

Looking at the station building from the other side:

Peterborough platform 2

The view under the canopy on platform 2:

Peterborough platform 2

Platform 3:

Peterborough platform 3

Looking over at platform 4 from platform 3:

Peterborough platform 4

Platform 5:

Peterborough platform 5

Two bridges span the tracks at the station itself: the main station footbridge, and what was once the parcels bridge, but is now just used by all and sundry in spite of scary notices declaring this prohibited. The bridge from the south:

Peterborough parcels

The rear of the parcels bridge from platforms 4/5:

Peterborough parcels
bridge rear

Inside the parcels bridge:

Peterborough, in the

"Only authorised Rail and Royal Mail Staff may use this bridge":

Peterborough bridge

To the south of the station is this road bridge which replaced what was once a troublesome level crossing:

Peterborough road bridge