Lowestoft is one of the Eastern termini of the Wherry Lines linking Norwich to the East coast. I visited on a very wet day, having taken the bus from Great Yarmouth; the bus had to take a rather circuitous route because of flooding. Rather worryingly, it also started belching smoke towards the end of the journey. There used to be a rail line linking these two towns. I wonder how it would compare to today's bus service.
Lowestoft station still bears its large British Railways Lowestoft Central sign on its end wall, with the familiar double arrow logo on a pole by the main entrance.
There's still a manned booking office and waiting room in part of the station building, although some of the rest of the building is used by a music shop.
Inside, what was once a covered area is now an open courtyard with a few seats and shelters:
Looking West along the platform to the semaphore signals in the distance, the station looks rather bleak:
Still, the existence of platforms and trains at all is something to be thankful for. Lowestoft appears not to have a Platform 1.
All photographs are © Alexandra Lanes You may reproduce them anywhere for any purpose. Coastline maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2001