Britain >East Anglia >Harwich Town Dovercourt

Harwich Town

Collected date 21/02/15

Harwich Town sign

Harwich Town station is the end of the line and definitely a bit sleepy, but on the other hand the same can be said for Harwich International. The town of Harwich sits on a peninsula and the railway goes right into it, with the station alongside its end. The approach to the station from the east of the line:

Harwich Town approach

A bus stop is to the left, with the entrance through the archway in the centre of this picture. A longish view of the front of the station building:

Harwich Town front long view

The northern end of the station building:

Harwich Town front

The entrance archway to the station's single platform:

Harwich Town entrance

Through the archway and one is on the platform, looking north:

Harwich Town exit

At the southern end of the platform, looking back along the line away from the station:

Harwich Town looking south

Looking back along the platform from its southern end:

Harwich town seen from southern end

Further north along the platform the grey wooden boarding gives way to a wall:

Harwich Town platform looking north

Opposite the platform is a junkyard of ex railway stuff:

Harwich Town junk

Towards the northern end of the platform looking back at the canopy and the rear of the station building:

Harwich Town rear

Looking north towards the end of the platform:

Harwich Town looking north

From the end of the platform, looking north:

Harwich Town from north

And then, just to our right, is the end of the line:

Harwich Town buffers

Beyond the buffers is a fenced off area and a path leading to a side entrance to the site:

Harwich Town seen from side entrance path

At the end of the side entrance path is this small wall:

Harwich Town wall

On the wall is a blue post box:

Harwich Town blue post box

The gate of this side entrance, which leads on to George St:

Harwich Town side entrance gate

The side entrance to the station:

Harwich Town side entrance