Britain >North West >Hapton Huncoat Rose Grove


Collected date 11/09/14

Hapton sign

Hapton station was a short walk from nearby Huncoat but the walk was like the station itself: dominated by the noise of the M65 which the line parallels here. Our route took us on a footbridge over the motorway, from where we looked east to see the station:

Hapton from footbridge looking east

Looking west along the line from the footbridge:

Hapton from footbridge looking west

Arriving at the station through the village, we enter on a footbridge which is built next to the road bridge to its east:

Hapton footbridge

Ramps lead down from each side of the footbridge to the platforms. On platform 1 at the bottom of the ramp:

Hapton platform 1 exit

At the eastern end of platform 1, looking east under the bridges:

Hapton looking east

Looking west along the platforms, with the footbridge we crossed earlier in the distance:

Hapton platforms looking west

At the far end of the platforms looking east:

Hapton platforms looking east

Looking west along the line from the end of the platforms:

Hapton looking west