Britain >Greater London >Haggerston Hoxton Dalston Junction


Collected date 26/04/15

Haggerston station is on the reopened East London Line and has a completely new station building on the Kingsland viaduct. The front of the station on its soudh side on Lee Street:

Haggerston front

The station entrance leads into a small entrance concourse with ticket barriers at the far end:

Haggerston entrance

Walking through the ticket barriers and turning left we end up in a larger concourse area with a large mural:

Haggerston concourse

A detail of the rather confusing trompe l'œil mural:

Haggerston mural

Steps and lifts lead up from this concourse:

Haggerston steps

The steps then proceed on either side of the central staircase up to either platform. This is the staircase up to platform 1:

Haggerston platform steps

On platform 1 looking north with platform 2 on the right:

Haggerston platforms 1 and 2 looking

A view of platform 1 from platform 2 opposite:

Haggerston platform 1

Platform 2:

Haggerston platform 2

Looking south along the line over the Lee Road bridge:

Haggerston looking south