Britain >East Anglia >Gunton Roughton Road North Walsham


Collected date 30/08/10

Gunton sign

Gunton station is in the middle of nowhere, approximately, serving a few villages about a mile away, but still has a frequent service and has retained the overly grand station buildings.

The approach to the small car park at Gunton station:

Gunton station approach

Just to the right of the previous shot, we can see the station's covered cycle storage, and the ramp that leads up to the platform:

Gunton entrance

The ramp that leads up to the platform:

Gunton ramp

On the one operational platform, looking south:

Gunton platform looking south

Looking south at the disused length of the platform:

Gunton looking south

Looking north along the platform:

Gunton platform looking north

Looking north along the line from the end of the platform:

Gunton looking north

Of course, the most notable thing at Gunton is the restored station building, in private hands over on the other side of the line:

Gunton building

The frosted doors on the station building:

Gunton building windows

The lamp bracket on the side of the station building:

Gunton lamp

A long view of the disused platform and station buildings:

Gunton disused platform

An old sign and a signalbox (or perhaps just a shed):

Gunton old sign

And finally at the southern end of the platform, an old locomotive and wagons:

Gunton old train

Back to the road level, looking west at the bridge which carries the railway over the road:

Gunton bridge, looking west

On the other side of the bridge, a flight of steps lead up to the level of the line:

Gunton steps

But a sign tells us this will not help us:

Gunton private sign

And the private approach road leads from here to the station building:

Gunton building approach