Britain >South West >Exeter Central St James Park Exeter St Davids

Exeter Central

Collected date 22/05/06

Exeter Central sign

Having arrived at Exeter St Davids the day before, Exeter Central was the first station we collected on our route out to Exmouth. To the front of the station is a curved building:

Exeter Central front Exeter Central middle

However, only a small part of this is still used by the railway:

Exeter Central entrance

The rear of the station building has balconies which now look out on a car park:

Exeter Central rear

The station building is set to one side of the railway, which runs under the road onto which the building faces. Walking into the station entrance, the footbridge is to the left and provides access to the platforms:

Exeter Central footbridge

Looking east away from the station buildings, along the bay platform 1:

Exeter Central platform 1 Exeter Central platform 1

Looking back towards the footbridge along platform 2:

Exeter Central platform 2

Like many stations in the region, Exeter Central has a large gap between its through tracks, now filled with shrubbery:

Exeter Central shrubs

Looking along the edge of platform 3 at platform 2, the station buildings, and the footbridge:

Exeter Central platform 3

Under the canopy on platform 3:

Exeter Central platform 3

Further back along platform 3 are these unusual pillars:

Exeter Central pillars

It looks like there was once another platform face, to the north of platform 3:

Exeter Central disused

At the east end of the platforms, the line is crossed by a new footbridge, and behind it a road bridge. The zigzag ramp is perhaps supposed to deter cyclists and skateboarders:

Exeter Central other

Looking back at the station from the second footbridge:

Exeter Central, from other

As well as joining the platforms, the footbridge provides access to a rear pedestrian entrance to the station:

Exeter Central back

At the other end of the station, looking west down the inclined curve to St Davids station:

Exeter Central, looking