Britain >North West >Darwen Entwistle Blackburn


Collected date 16/09/16

Darwen sign

Darwen station is a two-platform station on the Clitheroe line. The only remaining building of the original 19th Century construction is the old station master's house, now a veterinary surgery:

Darwen building

To the right of the vets is the ramp entrance to platform 2, for trains towards Blackburn:

Darwen platform 2 ramp

The entrance on to platform 2:

Darwen platform 2 entrance

Further to the right of the ramped entrance is a set of steps from the car park up to the platform:

Darwen platform 2 steps

On platform 2 looking south with the shelters on the right:

Darwen platform 2 shelter

At the southern end of the platform looking over the Atlas Road road bridge:

Darwen platform 2 shelter

On platform 2 looking north:

Darwen platforms looking north

At the other end of platform 2 looking north:

Darwen looking north

Looking back south along the platform:

Darwen platform 2 from north end

Access between the two platforms is via Atlas Road which crosses under the line just south of the station:

Darwen Atlas Road bridge

On the far side of the bridge is this small forecourt area:

Darwen platform 1 forecourt

The line was being improved when we visited:

Darwen improvement scheme

The plaque marks the opening of the railway between Blackburn and Bolton in 1847:

Darwen plaque

From the forecourt a curved ramp leads up to platform 1:

Darwen platform 1 entrance

Platform 1:

Darwen platform 1