Dalston Junction station is a new station, built as part of the Overground East London Line in 2005. The lines are below ground, with a concourse at ground level. The northern entrance to the station:
The entrance leads to a corridor between two entrances to the station. Looking north along the corridor:
The corridor gives into a small concourse area with ticket office and ticket barrier:
Looking towards the ticket gates and steps down to the platforms:
Looking back at the steps from platform level:
The station has four tracks, with two through lines on the outside and two terminating tracks in the middle. Looking south from the end of platforms 2 and 3:
Platform 3 looking north:
All photographs are © Alexandra Lanes You may reproduce them anywhere for any purpose. Coastline maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2001