The present Cromer station, on the Bittern Line from Norwich to Sheringham was formerly Cromer Beach station to distinguish it from the GER's Cromer High station further out of town. Now it's just plain Cromer.
From Roughton Road onwards to Sheringham the line is the old M&GN joint line, as can be seen from the spandrels on the old station building:
The station building is now the "Buffers" pub and restaurant:
Where once was the platform side of the building is now a car park, but the level of the platform can still be seen, as can the fixtures for the canopy:
The platforms now, looking towards the old station building:
Looking along the line away from Cromer. The signal box is now no longer used:
All photographs are © Alexandra Lanes You may reproduce them anywhere for any purpose. Coastline maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2001