Britain >North West >Colne Nelson


Collected date 11/09/14

Colne sign

Colne station was once a waystation on the line between Preston and Skipton but is now a terminus after the line was cut back in 1970. So it made a pleasant place to wander around to grab some lunch before returning to get some photos of the station.

The entrance to the station from the road:

Colne entrance

Beyond the car park there is a small paved forecourt:

Colne forecourt

Two plaques on the wall of the forecourt mark the line's original opening and later the closure of the stretch to Skipton:

Colne plaque marking line opening Colne plaque marking line part

A ramp leads up to the single platform:

Colne ramp

The ramp leads on to the platform. The exit from the platform to the ramp:

Colne exit

The shelter is a modern aluminium thing with a ticket machine inside:

Colne shelter

Looking south from the end of the platform along the line:

Colne looking south

Looking south along the platform from its other end:

Colne looking south along platform

Looking north at the northern end of the platform, with the buffers of the truncated line just beyond and a second entrance/exit on the right:

Colne buffers