Chappel and Wakes Colne is the first stop away from Marks Tey on the branch line to Sudbury. That line only uses one of the platforms now, so the other platform, station building, goods sheds and signal boxes are used by the East Anglian Railway Museum
The station building from the road:
The rear of the station building. The platforms are slightly elevated to the level of the first floor of the station building:
The station building and footbridge. The footbridge was originally at Sudbury when the line went beyond there:
The National Rail platform:
Two styles of signage on the platform, one of which has lost an O:
Looking north along the platform at the station building and footbridge:
Looking south from the footbridge towards Chappel viaduct:
An old-style lamp in the EARM half of the station area:
The signal box at one end of the station building:
The whole site:
All photographs are © Alexandra Lanes You may reproduce them anywhere for any purpose. Coastline maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2001