Britain >North West >Carnforth Bare Lane Lancaster Wennington Oxenholme Silverdale


Collected date 06/09/14

Carnforth sign

Try pulling your eyelid down and then blowing your nose. And then start a station collecting holiday at Carnforth. The station sits on the West Coast Main Line, but doesn't have any platforms on it any more. But thanks to the station's fame from its use in Brief Encounter there's still quite a lot there doing a variety of heritage jobs.

The front of the station building is still partly in railway use, housing the ticket office:

Carnforth front

The entrance to the ticket office:

Carnforth entrance

On the platform behind the station building looking northwards:

Carnforth looking north

The station building rear seen from the island platform:

Carnforth entrance building

The station building backs onto a stretch of platform, fenced off on the right from the West Coast Main Line:

Carnforth rear

Access to the rest of the station is via a subway:

Carnforth subway entrance

Looking up the subway:

Carnforth subway exit

The subway leads under the WCML, where former platforms are replaced with fencing and banked sides:

Carnforth island platforms

The island building facing the WCML is the rear of the Carnforth heritage centre:

Carnforth heritage rear

Up the subway ramp to the island platform and the waiting area next to platform 1:

Carnforth platform 1 waiting

Looking south on platform 1:

Carnforth platform 1 looking south

The clock:

Carnforth clock

The railings between the subway and the WCML:

Carnforth railings

Much of the area under the canopy is fenced off and forms part of the heritage centre:

Carnforth platform 1

The heritage centre under the canopy:

Carnforth Heritage Centre

Looking west along the platforms:

Carnforth platforms looking west

The western end of platform 1 is fenced off and sprouting:

Carnforth platform 1 disused end

The subway continues to get to platform 2:

Carnforth subway

The entrance to platform 2 from the subway:

Carnforth platform 2 entrance

Platform 2 is very unlike platform 1 and is largely just plain concrete. A few murals decorate the wall, though:

Carnforth platform 2 murals

At the southern end of platform 2 looking north:

Carnforth platform 2 looking north

Looking south along the line from the same point:

Carnforth looking south

Looking west along platform 2:

Carnforth platform 2 looking west

Looking east at the platforms:

Carnforth platforms looking east

The rear of platform 2:

Carnforth platform 2 rear

The unusual building at the western end of platform 1 is the original Furness Railway signalbox:

Carnforth unusual building, old signalbox

The signalbox to the west of the station:

Carnforth signalbox

A road bridge crosses the line to the north of the station. Looking back south/west from the bridge at the WCML:

Carnforth from bridge looking

Looking east:

Carnforth from bridge looking